
Technologies LLC

A diesel opacity emissions meter manufacturer

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(562) 698-2444



Free Sensor Hardware Upgrade to Ver 2.2

for Advanced System Performance with

New ARB standards

  1. Available now!!
  2. Must be accompanied by another service such as repair or calibration.
  3. Account must be in good standing.
  4. Only Available for sensors with BT136 or BT140 CPU boards.
  5. Must be requested before service is started.
  6. Shipping is not included.
  7. The coupon has no cash value and can not be transferred or forward.
  8. The coupon is void where prohibited
  9. Sensor hardware Ver 1.0 and 2.0 meets all the SAE and new ARB standards. Ver 2.0 exceeds the SAE standards.


Coupon Code: BTC200106-19


$220 Calibration Special (20% off Normal Cost): High Resolution multi-point Sensor Calibration with Free 15 point Meter Tune Up and Inspection.

  1.  Must be a first-time customer or Existing customer with account in good standing.
  2.  Shipping is not included.
  3. The coupon has no cash value and can not be transferred or forward.
  4.  If eligible the Coupon is automatically applied to the Invoice.
  5. The coupon is void where prohibited


Coupon Code: BTC191201-18


Feb Special: Free 15 point Meter Tune Up and Inspection with each Calibration.


Coupon Code: BTC190321-11


Free Smoke Opacity Meter Tune Up with purchase  of a Opacity Meter Calibration.


Coupon Code: BTC190321-10


Free Heavy-Duty Meter Boot with purchase of Smoke meter

BT2000 Wireless smoke meter


Boot: Protects Meter in Industrial Testing Environment

BT-2000 Meter Discounts


Mobile Tester's Discounts Available


Volume Meter Purchase Discounts Available


Accessory Discounts


Beryl White ceramic coffee mug

$10.00 each

Beryl mug

Please contact us for your orders

Cloud Storage Printing with Certificate and Digital Signature

smoke opacity printout with optional download and certificate

Sample Cloud  Smoke Test Printout #5 with Certificate and Digital Verified Signature and vehicle BarCode:

The initial data for this certificate was downloaded from the BT 2000 smoke meter and saved in the BT Cloud service.  The data was then downloaded from the BT Cloud to the PC with an internet browser.  The smoke test was then converted to a certificate, digitally signed and saved as a verified PDF file.


Requires Beryl's BT Cloud service, BTLink PC download software "BTLink", a custom certificate template, and signature pad. Digital verified signature PDF file is saved with Adobe Acrobat Pro. Once the smoke test are downloaded, certificate and digital verified signature can be added quickly.  Note: Always verify with your local regulators to determine which outputs are acceptable for your regulatory record keeping. PDF is best viewed in Adobe Reader.

(Watch the PC Smoke Test Download Video)


Wireless BT2000 on 5 inch curve stack

Instant On and Off: Wireless BT 2000 Smoke Opacity Sensor test setup on 5 inch curve stack.

(Shown: Wireless Sensor, magnet assembly, and hook)



Designed and Made in the USA